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How long does it take to send foreign text messages in groups? Is there any restriction on sending international SMS in groups?

AddDate: 2022-08-03 Author: 娇 Hits:

I How long does it take to send foreign text messages in groups?

    In the past, we all used SMS to communicate and exchange. Now, SMS is more used in group sending. Every important holiday, we always receive notices of commodity discounts from various large shopping malls or gifts for shopping in stores. Such mass texting greatly saves the advertising cost of businesses. At present, under the epidemic, multinational enterprises generally choose SMS service platform to send various marketing messages in groups in order to promote their brands. So, how long does it take to send international SMS in groups?

    1. The sending time of marketing messages is generally between 30 seconds and 30 minutes, which is related to the number of messages sent by users, and the arrival rate is more than 95%;

    2. The sending time of notification SMS is generally 3-30s, and the arrival rate is 99.99%;

    3. The sending time of verification code SMS is generally 3-5s, and the arrival rate is 99.99%.

   Among the above SMS, only the marketing SMS takes a little longer to send, because the mass sending of marketing SMS needs to be strictly reviewed by the operator to check whether there are sensitive words and contents in the SMS. In addition, due to the congestion of channels during holidays, sending international SMS in groups may be delayed.

II Is there any restriction on sending international SMS in groups?

    There are restrictions on sending international SMS in groups. If there are forbidden words, false propaganda or illegal links in the content of SMS, it may be directly blocked by operators; In addition, if the content of an international SMS exceeds 70 characters, it will not be sent, and the English characters cannot exceed 140 characters.

    If you want to send international SMS more smoothly, you'd better choose a high-quality platform. Talk2all international service platform, with various operation qualifications, has a professional technical team, strives for excellence, makes technological progress, develops internationally leading products, and has a dedicated channel for three networks in one. It accepts free tests, arrives in five seconds, and the arrival rate is 99.99%. After sales customer service is available for you 24 hours a day. Talk2all international SMS service platform is your most reliable choice.